About Lost In the Carolinas

About Cameron & Natasha

Welcome to Lost in The Carolinas! We’re excited to have you join us in our little section of the internet. By now, you probably know we run this website called “Lost in The Carolinas.”

We’re Cameron Seagle and Natasha Alden, and on this site, you’ll find our experiences, photography, and informative travel guides from around the Carolinas. We have a passion for traveling, eating delicious food (and of course barbeque), enjoying outdoor sports, taking photos, and many other random things.

After years of sharing our knowledge about travel on The World Pursuit, we decided it was time to share our experience about our home state, North Carolina.


We Provide Information And Helpful Advice.

You’ll find useful travel tips, hotel reviews, restaurant suggestions, itineraries, and attractions around the Carolinas on this website. Lost In The Carolinas is a place you can find up-to-date information and helpful guides.

Our goal is to ensure you make the most out of your time, a place we hold dear in our hearts. Unless otherwise noted, every blog post on this website is written by our writers or us and comes from our personal experiences. 

This is our home

We haven’t explored every nook and cranny of the Carolinas yet! However, we’ll do our best to bring you the best information, even if it takes us a lifetime of exploring the region.

Meet the Founder


I made a move from Michigan to Wilmington, NC, when I was 19 years old.  In search of a different lifestyle in the South and a college degree. Wilmington became my home while I attended the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

People often asked me why I moved to Wilmington, and the truth is I was searching for an “out” of the harsh Michigan winters. I Googled “Universities on the beach,” and the rest was history. It took me one day in Wilmington to realize I picked an excellent school and home and that I was living where other people vacation.

The decision to move to North Carolina changed the path of my life. I got involved in some great programs while in college, used my school’s study abroad program to venture out to Australia, fell in love with travel, and now I run a travel blog for a living and have traveled to over 85 countries.

Cameron and I met in Wilmington and now travel back here every year when we want to slow down for a bit to enjoy family and the great region. We both consider ourselves locals and know the Carolinas will always have a piece of our hearts.

Meet The Founder


Hello, I’m Cameron, and I make up one-half of this blog. I grew up outside Charlotte, North Carolina, in Union County. I can’t imagine growing up anywhere else and have a passion for this great state. My family dates back several generations in the state, including the famed Seagle potters of Lincoln County.

I’m in all of this for the photos, food, beaches, mountains, adventure, and excellent hikes. We’ve also got a “healthy” addiction to adventure sports. My passions currently bounce around between mountaineering, snowboarding, mountain biking, and diving.